Watch out for the Walkie Talkies! The GAHS Admin Team is not here to play. Our staff is participating in the “Walk It Out Wednesday” challenge! Teams are competing for who can get the most steps on Wednesdays, team building and having fun!
The Annual GAHS Christmas Mother competition wrapped up this week! This is a Battle Event & the Seniors won!
Freshies– 673
Sophs– 505
Junior Mints – 952
SENIORS! – 2046
Thanks so much to all students, teachers, and parents who donated, and Congratulations to the Seniors!
The GAHS Christmas Mother drive is underway! This drive is
a Battle of the Classes Event!! As of now, the sophomore class is taking the lead with their enthusiastic contributions! We are accepting donations through this Friday.
Seniors -
Still need a senior photo for the yearbook? Strawbridge Studios will be at GAHS on November 14th & there will be 25 spots available for seniors who still need a photo taken. Sign up for a time slot with Mrs. McLamb in room 109. You must sign up BEFORE Nov. 10th.
Check out Sports tryout information here!
will be held Wednesday, Nov. 1, 2023, from 6-8 p.m. at Deep Run High School!
Go to to register. You'll get a personal barcode you can share with colleges to give them your contact information.
Watch for your GAHS Battle of the Brains team taking on Huguenot High's team on WTVR channel 6, Saturday mornings at 10 AM.
This Friday, October 27th is a half day for students. There will be no JSTEP on Friday. The bell schedule is located here:
It's Homecoming spirit week! Show your spirit by dressing up: Monday - PJ day, Tuesday - Barbie vs Oppenheimer, Wednesday - Dad day, Thursday - Teacher vs Student, Friday - Class color day
Next week is Homecoming spirit week! Show your spirit by dressing up:
Monday - PJ day
Tuesday - Barbie vs Oppenheimer
Wednesday - Dad day
Thursday - Teacher vs Student
Friday - Class color day
Senior Convocation is this Wed. Oct. 11th from 10am-12 p.m. in the main gym. Families of seniors are invited. Watch live at the link below.
Earlier this week, we had ESL night in the @JagLibrary! We welcomed many families and students to the Glen Allen family. Ms. Pacheco did an amazing job coordinating and planning the event. Thank you to everyone who participated!
Convocation & PSATs are on Wednesday, Oct. 11. Convocation is at 10:00 in the gym for seniors and 12th grade families are invited.
Reminder for tonight's game and all after school activities!
We hope to see you at our first home Varsity football game this Friday at 7:00 p.m. In the interest of safety and security, please be sure to follow the guidance listed above
We invite all to be seated and remain seated in the stands from beginning to end.
Make sure you read Principal Davenport's weekly newsletter, The Know, each week at this link:
PSAT testing is Monday! Here's a look at how the schedule will be different.
Wishing all our Jewish friends a wonderful Rosh Hashanah!
This is a reminder that Henrico Schools will be closed to students and teachers on Monday, September 25th in observance of Yom Kippur.
SENIORS! Sign up for your senior portrait using the link below. Please read all of the instructions before choosing a time slot. Portraits will be taken on September 21 & 22 in the GA auditorium.